ORBINOX HG Slurry Knife Gate Valves perfect choice for Filter Presses

One of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants in Brazil relies on our slurry knife gate valves for the filter press process. This mine carries out its own filtering process where it has multiple Filter Presses.

Before ORBINOX HG valves were installed in, this mining company was facing some issues with its former valves. Former valves couldn’t last for more than 6 months. They asked ORBINOX for a solution that could work for at least 8 months and for more than 12.000 cycles.

ORBINOX Brazil subsidiary together with the Mining Segment Manager studied the case and came up with the HG slurry high pressure knife gate valve


HG slurry high pressure knife gate valves are still performing well after 7 months. For this reason,  the mining company has decided to replace all existing valves from previous suppliers and placing ORBINOX HG knife gate valves in all of the Filter Presses.

The HG (SER.68) model knife gate is a bi-directional full flanged heavy duty valve equipped with two metal reinforced rubber sleeves designed for use in the handling of abrasive slurries.

I want to know more about the HG knife gate valve

02 Marzo 2020